Nine years after Lucy Aberknacky’s horrific death...

she remains trapped within a realm of living nightmares inside Distracted. As Lucy evolved into a demon her extraordinary powers attracted many other dark entities.

The most dangerous of these entities are the Dark Harborers...

that oversee and guide the use of a large mysterious ancient relic called Nightmarian. The powers of Nightmarian can move people in and out of minds and into other peoples' nightmares. Depending on the individual, this could mean being trapped in an unconscious hypnotic state or physically manifesting nightmares in the flesh.

Other unknown powers reside within Nightmarian...

and that is why it has been hidden and sought after by many different groups throughout history. The Dark Harborers are tethered to and oversee Nightmarian- choosing when, who and how the forces are used to move people in and out of nightmare realms. Helping them keep this highly sought after power are horrific monsters with enslaved minds known collectively as the Nightmarian Guard.

Many civilizations and groups have searched for Nightmarian...

over many millennia. It is believed that some groups like The Marion Society have passed down special knowledge for thousands of years to their secret members. Splinter factions within the society have also formed and aggressively seek Nightmarian to further bolster their power and modern day anarchist ideologies.

Seeing Nightmarian in person and experiencing...

the darkest edges of its power can be magical and is what draws people to it. However, the Dark Harborers will judge anyone in its presence and use the monsters of the Nightmarian Guard to fiercely protect it and send people into the most horrific nightmare realms.

This Halloween, lose your mind and fear nightmares...

and thrills that can only be contained within the realm of Distracted Haunted House - fear Nightmarian!